A downloadable game for Android

Updated 8 days ago
AuthorSwift Apps LLC
Tagsteen, Violent


dog-simulator-2-2-3 (1).apk 65 MB
dog-simulator-2-2-3.apk 65 MB

Install instructions

Dog Simulator is a third-person action game that, like the popular Goat Simulator, lets you control an animal whose sole aim is to create chaos.

As in Goat Simulator, in Dog Simulator you'll find different missions within each level; the most fun thing to do, though, is just to roam around freely, hitting and breaking almost any kind of object to get more points.

By default you can move the dog freely, hitting everything in your path, and if you place the dog close to certain objects you'll also be able to interact with them.

One thing going for Dog Simulator is that it lets you change the game settings to adapt to your device's technical capacity. This way, you can lower the graphics to increase performance and enjoy the game on many types of devices.

Dog Simulator is a great game that lets you behave like one of your favorite canine friends, doing practically whatever you feel like. Plus, with the game's currency that you can collect as you play, you'll be able to buy new dogs and even accessories for them such as hats.

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